Walter Scott (1771 – 1832) (Wikipedia)
Dairmid Gunn, ‘Russia and Scotland: Russia’s Debt to Sir Walter’, Talk to the Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott Club, 2014
Dairmid Gunn, ‘Sir Walter Scott’s Impressions of Russia’, Talk to the Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott Club, 2019
Dairmid Gunn, ‘Sir Walter Scott and His Influence on the Russian Psyche’, Talk to the Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott Club, 1998
Dairmid Gunn, ‘The Influence of Scott’s Writings Upon the Works of Pushkin’, Talk to the Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott Club, 1990
A. Dolinin, Istoriya Odetaya v Roman: Walter Scott i Ego Chitateli , 1988 [monograph]
David Daiches, Sir Walter Scott and His World , Russian translation 1987 [monograph]
A. Romm, ‘Romantism, Realism, i Walter Scott’, Voprosy LIteratury 8 (1961): 236-2 (institutional access only)
B. Reizov, ‘Walter Scott i Nekotorye Voprosy Istorii’, Voprosy Literatury 6 (1963): 125-44 (institutional access only)
Anna Elistratova, ‘Walter Scott: Nash Sovremennik?’ Voprosy Literatury 2 (1967): 220-25 (institutional access only)
‘Sredi Zhurnalov i Gazet’, Voprosy Literatury 1 (1972): 253-6 (institutional access only)
Review of T. Lazareva, Istoriya Srednevekovoy Shotlandii v Pesnyah [Scott’s Scottish Border Ballads] , Voprosy Literatury 1 (2010): 472-5.
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