- Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 – 1930) (Wikipedia)
- Arthur Conan Doyle: Main Russian Website
- Main Russian Sherlock Holmes Forum
- Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson Statues in Moscow
- Aleksandr Shaburov, Account of the Erection of Holmes and Watson Statues, 2007
- Georgy Piliev, Account of the Reception of Sherlock Holmes in Russia
- Maria Krivosheina, ‘Sherlock in Petersburg’, Arzamas Academy [in Russian]
- Maria Krivosheina, ‘The Amazing Adventures of Sherlock Holmes without Conan Doyle’, Gorky Media [in Russian]
- Maria Krivosheina, ‘A. Conan Doyle in Imperial Russia’, Russkaia Filologiia 28 (2017): 86-96
- Maria Krivosheina, ‘Sherlock Holmes and the First Russian Revolution’, Letniaia Shkola po Russkoi Literature 12.1 (2016): 34-48
- Maria Krivosheina, ‘Reception of Sherlock Holmes in Russia in the 1900s-1910s’, Studia Slavica 14 (2016): 45-57
- Korney Chukovsky, ‘About Sherlock Holmes’, Introduction to Doyle collection Notes on Sherlock Holmes
- Doyle’s Collected Works, 1900-1901 [cover illustration]
- ‘Three Correspondents’, Retelling of Conan Doyle Story, Voyna 56 (Sep. 1915): 4-9
- ‘Carthaginian Galley’, Retelling of Conan Doyle Historical Story, Voyna 39 (June 1915): 6-8
- Russian Translation of Conan Doyle’s The Coming of the Fairies, 2010
- Abridged Russian Translation of J. D. Carr’s and H. Pearson’s Biographies of Conan Doyle, 1989
- The National Archives Record: Infringement of copyrights by the Soviet Union in relation to the works of Conan Doyle
- Review of K. Kobrin, Sherlock Holmes and the Birth of Modernity (2015) [in Russian]
Doyle’s Open Letter to the Russian People, 1916
- Open Letter to the Russian People, 1916
- Open Letter to the Russian People, 1916
- Doyle’s Open Letter Transcription
- Doyle’s Open Letter, English Translation and Bibliography
- Background Bibliographic Information
- ‘When Briton and Russian Meet: A Better Understanding’, Poverty Bay Herald (25 March 1916)
Russian Journalists’ Delegation Meeting with Doyle in 1916
- Aleksey Tolstoy, ‘V Gostyah U Anglichan’, Russkie Vedomosti, 1916
- Aleksey Tolstoy, ‘A Guest of the English: A Walk with Conan Doyle’, Russkie Vedomosti, 22 March 1916
- Korney Chukovsky, Account of meeting with Conan Doyle in Chukokkala
- English Translation of Tolstoy and Chukovsky
Sherlock Holmes in Russia: Theatrical, Film and Television Productions
- Howard Ostrom, From Watson with Love: Sherlock Holmes Russian Performers
- Theatre, Film and Television Productions of Sherlock Holmes
- “Обозрение театров” 1906 №1-38
- “Обозрение театров” 1906 №1-38
- “Обозрение театров” 1906 №1-38
- “Обозрение театров” 1906 №1-38
- “Обозрение театров” 1906 №1-38
- “Обозрение театров” 1906 №1-38
- “Обозрение театров” 1906 №1-38
- “Обозрение театров” 1906 №1-38
- “Новыя приключенiя Шерлока Холмса” (1907)
- “Новыя приключенiя Шерлока Холмса” (1907)
- “Новыя приключенiя Шерлока Холмса” (1907)
- “Новыя приключенiя Шерлока Холмса” (1907)
- “Новыя приключенiя Шерлока Холмса” (1907)
- Holmes in Russia: American Coverage, 1907
- Boris Glagolin Biographical Entry, Who’s Who in the Theatre (1912)
- Advert of five-part production of Sherlock Holmes spin-off in Riga, 1921
- Сергей Эйзенштейн / Sergey Eisenstein: Шерлок Холмс и Ник Картер (1922) / SH and Nick Carter: Эскиз костюма / Costume sketch
- Sergey Eisenstein: SH and Nick Carter: Инженер. Эскиз костюма / Engineer. Costume sketch
- The Unknown Sergey Eisenstein Exhibition, 2003
- Dnepropetrovsk Youth Theatre Production of The Hound of the Baskervilles, 1979-81 [photographs]
- Уральский край p. 1
- Уральская жизнь Екатеринбург 5 и 6 января 1908
- The Milwaukee Sentinel (Apr-29-1956) p. 4
- Sherlock Holmes in Russia, Sputnik 1968, no-1
Materials Courtesy of Alexander Orlov